Friday, January 16, 2009

Depression Lifted!

Ya I know that was fast but I looked up A TON of houses in our price range and there is some great stuff! Nothing as dreamy as living in an 18th century wooden mansion thing. But still. At least there are options, and so for now my depression is lifted. But it's depressing to think of moving to a different state, mainly because I really really want to go to school at Smith Flat in Placerville. Like, REALLY want to go there. And I have no clue what good schools there are in Oregon or Washington...

But my depression is lifted and that's that! I won't fall into it

Depressing News

And pile on the depression. Go ahead and buy the house. We can't have it, it's an hour or so away from Portland, and I'm guessing there is no way Dad wants to commute two hours a day. So I asked about my second favorite, which is very nice also, and that one is a no for the same reason. Everything I would even consider is a no! I am extremely depressed now. I just have to keep thinking positively, that we will find something nice eventually. I just have had a very hard day with many ups and downs and I'm tired of it all.

I will wait a little while so Larissa and Andrea can see what could have been. I will wait until I have a mental breakdown and then I will take the pics off the blog. Happy weekend.

Yet ANOTHER Thing to Write

I am in the spelling bee at my school! It's me and Shelby for 8th grade...that's all. :))

Also, I was inspired by Andrea posting her first poem so here is mine, I feel exactly the same as her about it! It's my favorite, even though I've probably written better...

The Little Town

There is a pretty place
Where Ocean meets the land
The seagulls seem to chase
The crabs along the sand

Many people say it is
Quiet and serene
But I hear the sounds
Of a little town
Where dolphins play at sea

Please tell me what you think!

The Better Side of Life

Well even though it is a sad thing that I shall be moving, I found THE GREATEST HOUSE EVER!!!!!!! Well ok so acreage is important to me, and yes that is a word, because of all you can do on a lot of land and you don't have to hear your neighbors hitting hammers on nails or flushing their toilet or riding their motorcycles or whatever...and this place has 18 acres!!! 8 more than I already have! Isn't that fantabular? It has a barn, arena, dog run, is completely fenced and is really close to a river, which brings me to the big point...

It's in Oregon. I can see Larissa groaning in horror at this very moment, but she can visit me during the summer with Shelby and possibly Andrea if I get to actually know her during that time. So the river it's close to is the Columbia river, and it is also extremely close to the Ocean, which I love at any temperature! Which brings me to another point, it only gets to about 73 degrees fahrenheit in July. But I'm fine with that.

And now for the big shockers...The house is 18th century! The main one anyway. I don't know how to put pics up here, so please comment and tell me how. It is beautiful in my opinion...needs a lot of work but that is part of its appeal for me. I would get attached to it more, it would feel like home, if we made it how we wanted. I know Larissa is going wild. She loves old things, and so do I. It's all gorgeous and cold and wispy and sea breezes up there, and there are weeping willow trees growing wild by the barn, not manicured like mushrooms, just being beautiful. I am so in love! And it is only $171,900!!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS PLACE!!! please help me post pics so that you all will fall in love with it too...or maybe I should keep it to

I found out how! It's all good now...Except that now someone else will buy it and leave me hanging...thanks a lot people who took my idea and bought my precious house!!! RAWR TO YOU TOO!!!


My principal and homeroom teacher usually is only annoying, and mildly at that. However, he has made me very very ANGRY today. You see, I am in Girl's Chorus, a...well...girl's chorus. It's a "hand picked" group of girls grades 5-8. I just got in this year, although I had tried once before in 6th grade, but my principal (for that was all he was at the time) apparently likes stronger, braver voices, so when I tried out again this year, I sang LOUD. And he liked it, so here I am. I didn't really expect to get a solo my first and only year, as I will be graduating, but still hope springs eternal. So when he said today that he would be featuring the graduating class in our new song Freedom, I was excited. At last I would get my very own solo part! But apparently I am not in the graduating class. What do I know. I kept wondering when he would mention my part in the song, but no, it never came. We went over it a few times, my three other classmates singing along happily, with me biting my lip and trying not to glare too hard at my teacher. He humiliated me! It didn't help that I was rather pms-ey, so I was trying very hard to not feel left out and abandoned, but let me tell you it was a stretch. So here comes the RAWR. RAWR. Ok there it was. My frustration is still bottled up inside, but it kind of makes it better to be mild. I don't know. Whatever. RAWR RAWR RAWR RAWR RAWR!!!!!!!