Wednesday, December 31, 2008

uh oh...

SCHOOL!!! I had NO idea it was coming up this fast. What is up with that??? I just looked at the date 31! It's almost time for school, and boy am I NOT looking forward to it. I mean, I don't want to be a stereotypical...person...but honestly, I'm already behind from being sick, and I didn't do anytihng school-wise over vacation. Who would? Ayway, it doesn't help with my being crippled and all. I hope I won't have to come to school with crutches. Now that would be bad. It's bad enough just at home...Oi Ve, what a day.

Actually today is fairly boring. I mean why else would I be writing SO MANY blogs. I don't even know what to write about anymore, I'm just writing for writing's sake, trying to chase away the boredom. But you know this is probably a very BORING blog, because I am so bored while writing it. hmmmmm....what would be something interesting to put in this? I don't know...somebody comment and help *me* think of something. In other words tell me what to do.

About Me

Ok, so, about me...I can be mild. Actually I am, a lot of the time, very mild. I don't talk that much, my teachers really only know me through my writing, and I guess my friends will never fully know me, aside from a few. But then there are times...I can be hyper, crazy, and wild. I am the ultimate queen of random. You don't want to get into a random contest with me, let me tell you. Anyways I am getting off subject. I should probably start with the basics.

I am 14 years old, I live in California, and am very odd. What else can I say about myself? I like to draw, in fact I draw rather well, especially at drawing horses, as I live with them. I am also very good at drawing people, because, well, I live with them, too. I have a brother, who is nerdy and strange but a good brother, very nice My parents are great, they can sometimes be restricting but that's ok. That's why they're there, right? Anyways, If you have read the other blog I posted earlier, you know I am quite crippled at the moment, and really can't DO anything but type. I suppose I could have the ability to watch movies, but you know I might get too tired, like last night, I was doped up on meds and could hardly stay awake. And yet once I went to bed I couldn't sleep for hours and hours. Oi Ve.

I might profess to be extremely odd and weird...wild, you might say...but really I'm mostly normal. Don't get me wrong I do have my days, but mostly I'm just another girl, I love to dream about things, I love to say, "what if?" But usually it all comes to nothing. So - whatever. It's not like I'm going to be famous from this blog, who will read it anyway? Well, Larissa will, and maybe she'll tell other people...but what is the point anyway? The point is I'm bored. And this is fun.


Well, yesterday was a horrible day, but not the worst. Somehow. It was one of the crazy days that don't seem all that crazy...if you have any idea what I'm talking about, good for you. Anyway, here's what happened.

Yesterday morning, I had to take one of our three horses out to get her ready. Some prospective (is that correct?) buyers were coming to look at her. I was hoping they'd be as mean and awful as the people yesterday, because I really don't like the idea of selling Cookie. That is her name, by the way. If you couldn't already tell. So.

They came, everything went fine (UGH ROAR) and they bought her and are going to take my girl away on friday. The one horse we own that isn't old or crippled. So you can probably tell I was a little upset, but that's not really important to the story. We left Cookie in the sheep pen (no longer occupied by sheep, by the way) and - well - left her. Later on after it was dark, Mom realized Cookie had had no water all day...not a good thing. So she told me to take her down to the pasture, with her buddies and, incidentally, water. So of course the obedient daughter obeyed, grabbing a flashlight and heading out in the dark. I grabbed the lead rope, knowing Cookie's halter was still on. This is the part where it stops being boring, so keep reading.

Cookie snorted, acting spooky and trotting away from me. Dad was standing outside the pen, I don't remember why exactly, but I reached out my hand to let her sniff me and know who it was. I thought she recognized me, but I guess not. I reached out to touch her side, and she jerked away, bucking and kicking me in the leg instantly. OUCH. I have never had so much pain in my life - maybe that one time, with my head...but that is literally another completely different story. I began screaming...very loudly. My dad ran over to the gate and to my side. I wanted him to pick me up, to get me away, maybe it would stop the enormous amount of pain in my right thigh...but he didn't. He waited for me to catch my breath, as all that screaming had taken it out of me. He picked me up and brought me to the house. And then we watched the Sound of Music while I cried in pain. THE END