So, these are some pics from the photobooth at the creepy bowling place from last night. I am the girl (duh) the little guy is Mikey, And the smile that shows in, like, three of the pics is Philip. Nick was in the booth too, but somehow managed to not be in any of the pictures. Hmmm...
Anyhow, last night was interesting...first of all, my family went to Nick's house (I say Nick's house because I know him probably the best of their whole family) and ate dinner, then went bowling at like 1 something in the morning, then we went back to their house and watched a movie, left, got home at 1:50, went to bed at 2:00.
And it was not exactly super great because I was the only girl bowling in our little group, so I had the lowest score both times we played. And the place we were at was creepy, with a whole bunch of drunk people and, well, creepy stuff. Well anyhoo, hope you enjoy the pics, especially cuz they are the first pics of ME that I have put up here, so you all had BETTER like them.
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